Legislative News

join our membership mailing list mike

Members Join Our Mailing List

FOP Michigan Members can join our mailing list to be included on legislative updates including a request for input on …

Legislative Update (250 × 250 px) (1) mike

Pension Tax Repeal

BREAKING NEWS FROM LANSING –  Senate Bill 1, a bill to repeal the Michigan Pension Tax, just passed the Committee …

Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 5.59.41 PM mike

Washington Watch 12-29-22

Washington D.C. Legislative Update for the week of December 29, 2022. CLICK HERE TO READ

Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 11.49.19 AM mike

Washington Watch 12-22-22

Washington D.C. Legislative Update for the week of December 22, 2022. CLICK HERE TO READ

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