Per Capita

Per Capita 2025

The Last Half 2025 installment shall be paid on all members in good standing and is due to the National Lodge on or before May 1, 2025.  This payment maintains your lodge’s good standing for the six-month period from July 1 to December 31, 2025.  If you paid a full year, this covered January 1 through December 31, 2025.

The VUE System is available for all membership changes to be made electronically, saving time, and avoiding mistakes. Gains and losses in membership can only be completed by local secretaries, or a user specified on the Usage Agreement.  Secretaries can also view their lodges’ membership roster online, as well as check per capita payments that have been deposited and if cards have been printed.


Active Member costs are payable as a half year or full year.  Members are NOT members, until payment is made to the National and State Lodges.  

Full Year: $25.00 Michigan FOP + $11.50 National FOP = $36.50
Half Year: $12.50 Michigan FOP + $5.75 National FOP = $18.25

All member changes MUST be done in the VUE System by the Lodge President, Secretary or an approved staff member of your Lodge.  


Associate Member costs are $15 per year.  All Associate Per Capita is for the Full Year, and may NOT be prorated.  Associate Per Capita is due by November 1st to the State Lodge.   All Associate Member changes MUST be done in the VUE System by the Lodge President or Secretary.   Access to the VUE can be shared with a staff member of your Lodge by completing a VUE Usage Agreement Form and submitting to the National FOP.  

Officer Rosters

The NFOP has updated the Local Officer Roster Form for 2025.  A new roster MUST be completed by each Lodge by November 1, 2024.  This form can be completed online.   Every time a Lodge needs to update information after Per Capita, they may submit the form with only the new information.


Payments can be made directly to the Michigan FOP for both the State and National payments, or you may pay the State and National separately.  

Electronic Payments: The State FOP accepts electronic payments using a credit card or bank account information.  This can be done one-time for per capita only, or we can keep the account information on file for member adds throughout the year.  

Payments by Check:  All checks MUST be mailed to the State Lodge at:

Michigan FOP 
1457 E 12 Mile Road
Madison Heights, MI 48071


If you have any questions with your 2025 Per Capita, please contact our office at
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