FOP License Plate

Michigan FOP License Plates

You must be an Active or Associate member, in good standing in order to purchase the FOP plate.

Misrepresentation or violation of Secretary of State’s policies could result in criminal charges. They will ask you for your membership card so have it with you. If you know someone that has an FOP plate on there car and they are not a FOP member please contact the State Lodge at (517) 367-8000 or email:

License Plate Verification

If you received a letter from the Secretary of State, and you ARE a member of the F.O.P., please complete this form for fastest service. We will verify your membership and contact the Secretary of State on your behalf.

License plates are NOT pre-printed and will be mailed directly to you from the Secretary of State. They may take 21-30 business days after approval for delivery.

F.O.P. License Plates are only available to F.O.P. Members. If you want to join, visit our How To Join section.

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