Click to view or download the Michigan FOP Benefits Guide, with benefits available to all Fraternal members of the Michigan FOP. Download:MiFOP Benefits Guide Jan 2020.pdf
FOP & FirstNet
Building and operating a mission critical public safety communications platform requires commitment and partnership from all stakeholders. Having input and support from end line users—the men and women protecting and serving in communities, fighting crime and responding to emergencies and—is vital to the success of FirstNet built with AT&T. The FOP has been involved in[…]
Legal Defense Plan
Legal defense protection is a necessity for law enforcement professionals. As the frequency and cost of allegations rise, the FOP Legal Defense Plan offers you and your lodge members a very affordable and comprehensive plan.
Benefits Marketplace
The FOP brings new products and service to its members and their families including: Critical Illness and Cancer Insurance; Accident Insurance; Workplace Assault & Hazard Insurance; Pension Protection Plan; Mortgage Program; Travel & Cruise Planning; Auto & Home Insurance; and Identity Theft Protection.
Are you covered?
If you are not covered, watch this video and decide for yourself if $68 a year is worth the protection of the oldest, and largest law enforcement organization in the Country. For more information to the National FOP Legal Defense Plan,visit
National Police Credit Union
Did you know that your membership with the National FOP allows you to join the National Police Credit Union? NPCU is a division of Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union, serving Chicago Police Officers since 1938. The Grand Lodge Board is excited to provide you access to the NPCU Auto Loan Program, which offers the following benefits:[…]
FOP University
The National Fraternal Order of Police University (NFOPU) is a consortium of colleges and universities that provides members of the National FOP with multi-varied learning programs. These programs are traditional and non-traditional forums. The formation of NFOPU allows FOP members the ability to take courses which will accommodate the unique requirements of a working law[…]
Other Benefits
There are numerous benefits for being a member of the Fraternal Order of Police. A few are listed below. Check back for updates. Membership in a nation-wide organization Optional group life insurance Member liability insurance National seminars and workshops National research center National legislative program National publications and mailings If you would like more information[…]